Manual Osteopathy
Osteopathy can be used to treat a wide variety of painful conditions spanning the whole body from head to toe.
They include symptoms from head and facial injuries, headache, migraine, spinal pain and dysfunctional movement, jaw pain “TMJ/TMD”, pelvic pain, sciatica, knee and foot pain, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, receptive strain injuries of the wrist shoulder and elbow.
A generalized approach to treatment has been found to be supportive for patients experiencing symptoms of arthritis, breathing and digestive issues
Osteopathy can also be used to help in the management of chronic pain due to work related injuries especially for those who work at a desk for several hours per day. It is also an effective tool to assist in rehabilitation for those who have been injured in a motor vehicle accident.
$125 per session ( HST incl)
Covered under Osteopathy by most private insurers.
Direct billing is available online for Blue Cross